My co-tutors are fully respected in their professional capacity and are fully accredited in: Tutoring and Facilitation, Accountancy, Programme Management, Individual and Team Leadership Development, Presentational Skills tuition, Health and Welfare, Counselling.
New Beginnings UK Ltd is a Registered Company, No: 5294815
New Beginnings UK Ltd provides a Careers advice, Life planning and Pre-retirement service and consultancy for every level, from bespoke personal advice and training through to multi-day large-group seminars.
We have been trading successfully since 2003 when we formed specifically to deliver essential quality training courses, to UK nationally recognised standards, that would meet the needs of Individuals and Employers. New Beginnings UK Ltd ensures that the Tutors who deliver the courses are experienced and fully accredited in order to provide a worthwhile learning experience.
We recognise that at various times throughout life individuals need information, advice and support, therefore our mission is to provide the most appropriate assistance and education that will be beneficial to both individuals and, where relevant, their employers.
As each Course or programme is tailored to the needs of the company, group or individual please call to discuss your specific requirements