Having multi-years experience in company credit report business we came to conclusion that many internet users need a fast and simple way to verify the business credibility for free. This site is our first attempt to realise it. We hope it will to make business communications easier and safer. All information provided on this site is public by law of The United Kingdom. And could not be restricted in circulation. We are working hard to keep the information about british businesses always updated.
On the pages of this site you will find crucial information about any business operating in United Kingdom. Such as financial indices and rank which shows the financial health of the business. Such invaluable data as business contacts including address, website, email and phone number. Information on management and shareholders is also provided on the company page. The section “charges against the company” will show you how company is accurate with its payments.. The balance sheets for the last 10 years is also available for downloading.
These unique data give you a chance to insight a business if its your prospective customer or supplier. Or, probably you need to know more about a particular business person. You will clearly see a list of businesses in which those person involved.
For the business itself such publicity attracts new customers and simplify communications with your business. We hope that simplicity will help to increase your revenue because a customer will find key info in seconds.