Christine’s current work includes both leading and coordinating reviews and school improvement for large consortia, providing ‘resident inspector’ support for a local authority and school improvement partner support for a number of schools and multi-academy trusts. She is also an Education Adviser with the Department for Education. As an accredited lead inspector, Christine also has significant experience of leading Ofsted inspections in both primary and secondary schools. Christine is a very effective trainer who offers bespoke training on a wide range of issues to suit all levels of audience. Christine is the Senior Managing Consultant with B11 Education.
Liz has also been an adviser, inspector, education officer and head of both education 3-11 and inclusion in two local authorities. She is currently a consultant providing school improvement advice and support for a wide variety of primary, secondary and special schools and PRUs. This includes in-depth reviews of teaching and learning, SEND, safeguarding and pupil premium as well as regular termly visits to support self-evaluation and development. Liz has been a Senior Consultant with B11 Education for seven years.
Julie has extensive experience as a teacher, trainer, Ofsted inspector and adviser. She worked as a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University with responsibility for running a postgraduate course, as well as working on primary and secondary undergraduate programmes. She then took up a full time post with Ofsted and worked as HMI for six years. Julie has a great deal of experience of inspecting schools and teacher training providers, both as a lead inspector and a team member. She works as a school improvement adviser to numerous schools and academies with a sharp focus on practical approaches to improving teaching and learning. She also has recent experience as an associate headteacher.
Through her work with B11, Julie is an adviser for several academy trusts and sponsors and also works with the Department for Education in supporting providers of teacher training programmes. She is the author of ‘Self Propelled Learning and Effective Teaching’ and a regular columnist for Teach Primary magazine. Julie has been a Senior Consultant with B11 Education for seven years.
Peter has considerable experience as a senior leader in secondary schools, a school inspector and trainer. He worked for Ofsted as an additional inspector and was later seconded directly to Ofsted. Peter then became Senior Managing Inspector with Ofsted’s inspection service provider in the north. He has extensive experience of leading school inspections across both primary and secondary phases.
In September 2011 Peter became a Senior Consultant with B11 Education and continued to work as a lead inspector for Ofsted. He is a highly effective trainer and has led many conferences and training events across the country. He works with several governing bodies as an external adviser for headteachers' performance management. Peter is a Lead Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate and an external adviser for the Department for Education. He also works directly to Sir David Carter in his National Sponsors Unit looking after one of the nine major national Multi Academy Trusts in England. More recently he has been an Associate Vice Principal for an outstanding Multi Academy Trust and an Interim Executive Principal for an 11-18 academy. He is currently a Trustee of a MAT in Cheshire and on the national secondary advisory board for a southern based MAT.