pollutants, heavy metals i.e. lead, arsenic etc. which can sometimes be found in Bee Products from outside the EU, especially from the Far East, due to cheap Bee Keeping techniques, poor quality control and one of the most polluted areas in the world. Chinese Royal Jelly can be more than 10 times cheaper to produce than EU sourced because of poor standards. Chinese Bee Products were banned from the EU from 2002-2004 as 7/10 products tested positive for a carcinogenic antibiotic. Over 95% off the world's Royal Jelly is produced in China.
Royal Jelly is considered as a luxury product, used by Royalty, Actors, Artists, Athletes etc.. At Well Bee-ing UK, we aim to bring you the best European Royal Jelly at the lowest price to make it possible for all people of different financial positions to have access to such a quality product. In comparison, Royal Jelly from Spain, Greece and France, on average costs £30 for 20g and the quality is good but ours is in a different league!
Most companies sell Chinese Royal Jelly but they don't tell you this. A 50g jar of Chinese Royal Jelly can cost £1-2 to produce and most companies sell 50g for over £25! That's a big profit, whereby the customer is being taken advantage of, with a greatly over priced and inferior product.
Some UK companies make their sites look like they produce their products themselves by putting their business address on the labels or not actually stating where their products come from. We don't know of any UK company that sells Royal Jelly sourced in the UK and we've been around for 7 years. This is because producing it is highly specialised, time consuming, we don't have good weather, so the quality would be average and the cost of living in the UK is high - it is too expensive to make an average product.
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Our Products Come Direct from Our Bulgarian Bee Farm
Well Bee-ing UK LTD (est. 2011)
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