Humans are highly effective at processing vast quantities of information, particularly related to the local environment. The output of this processing rarely reaches perceptual (conscious) processing centres, yet has a large impact on behaviour. Affective State enables our customers to understand how both conscious and pre- conscious processing of information influences individuals, their interactions with the local environment and their ability to perform routine tasks and make decisions.
Our decision environments comprise both virtual and real domains - at Affective State we understand the factors that influence behaviour in these environments and are able to exploit the unique sensory and processing abilities of humans to optimise the speed and quality of decisions.
Experience in the recording and interpretation of electrical brain activity, in demanding environments underpins Affective States’ ability to deliver innovative neuro-inspired solutions.
Affective State has extensive experience in understanding visual performance in a wide range of environments. Eye tracking; Visual performance assessment; Pupillometry; Environmental assessments.
Affective State has developed novel visual and tactile interfaces designed to enhance situational awareness in the absence of any cognitive burden. Interfaces are designed to exploit the automated sensory processing capabilities that humans employ routinely without any awareness.
Affective State has developed novel visual and tactile interfaces designed to enhance situational awareness in the absence of any cognitive burden.
Affective State has developed techniques to rapidly prototype novel interface concepts, including in their design objective measures designed to enable a rigarous evaluation of efficacy.
RITA is designed to revolutionise how long term care is provided. Designed as a service proposition, and based on the understanding of the individual’s personal, social, emotional and intellectual needs, RITA supports independent living through the creation of a digital champion. A humanised avatar provides a friendly interface between the individual, family, friends, professions and services.
The TTDS is a system designed to augment situational awareness in co-located, yet distributed teams. Often team members need to ensure that the focus of attention is on their immediate surroundings. TTDS provides tactile stimuli to multiple users, ensuring that all members recieve information simultaneously, tailored to their individual positions. The TTDS concept demonstator enables the importance of incoming alerts to be conveyed together with detailed spatial information.
Affective State has recently completed an innovation project for the DfE, designed to assess how technology can support young people in care to stay safe; recognise and manage their emotions and behaviour; and communicate more effectively with carers. This project was led by the Centre for Child Protection at the University of Kent.