Today's world is changing faster than ever before. While this presents new opportunities for business, it also means there are more risks and challenges - often unpreventable and almost always unpredictable.
At CEDARthree, our mission is therefore to develop professional crisis management plans that are concise and easy to implement at short notice, and to train and exercise management and staff in their use.
Director, Cedarthree
Simon has worked with central and regional government and across a broad range of business sectors at a senior level - including the financial services, retail, pharmaceutical, utilities, oil and gas, the media, and the road, rail and aviation industries. He also has operational experience of counter- terrorism, and is an international lecturer on a wide range of subjects related to crisis management.
To that end, our crisis management plans are concise and easy to implement at short notice, and we help train and exercise staff in how to use them.
Our straightforward and practical approach ensures that if the unexpected should happen, our clients’ businesses are well prepared, ready to respond and primed for recovery.
Crisis management is the process by which the organisation manages the wider impact of a crisis, such as the safety and care of people, the business issues and media coverage.
Simon Langdon, CEDARthree Director
Sally Langdon, CEDARthree Director
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