Global Mediation was established in 1999 with the aim of providing a fully comprehensive mediation and facilitation service. In addition, Global Mediation aims to assist people through education and training to recognise and manage conflict themselves.
Global Mediation has attained ISO 9001 accreditation and consistently evaluates and monitors the quality of all its services. We ensure our mediators are aware of developments in the field of mediation through information sharing and through training.
In May 2006 Global Mediation was accredited by the Civil Mediation Council.
Global Mediation offers you cost-effective, efficient and confidential dispute resolution for personal and professional disputes across a broad range of service areas.
Global Mediation
Global Mediation is a mediation company offering legal professionals, businesses and individuals specialist mediation and facilitation services across a wide range of industry sectors.
The company was established in 1999 by Adam Gersch, a criminal barrister and CEDR Accredited mediator, and has grown to provide not only mediation services, but also education and training that allows clients to recognise and effectively manage conflict themselves.
Global Mediation has ISO9001 accreditation and was accredited by the Civil Mediation Council in 2006. In addition, the board consistently evaluate and monitor the quality of all its services. They also ensure the team of highly skilled, experienced mediators are aware and up-to-date on developments, regulation and legislation in the field of mediation through information sharing and training.
For more information on Global Mediation’s range of mediation services, please
Global Mediation’s charging policy and fee structure has been designed to be as transparent and as straightforward as possible.
Once we have established how Global Mediation can help you resolve your particular dispute, we will be in a position to quote you a competitive fee that includes the following –
For more information or clarification on Global Mediation’s charging policy, please call Debbie Coe on 0800 064 4488 or email
The process is completely flexible and ‘without prejudice’. The mediator helps both parties work towards a mutually satisfactory outcome of their particular difference or dispute. The mediator does not judge or impose a solution but ensures that any settlement is agreed between the two parties.
Both children get exactly what they wanted in the first place. By asking the right questions, the mediator has provided the key to unlock the solution.
Global Mediation Safeguarding Policy
4. Global Mediation is fully committed to this policy for safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people, by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect.
6. Global Mediation has a responsibility to work with others to safeguard and promote children’s welfare. Mediators and staff may have varying degrees of contact with children and young people. It is essential that mediators and staff in contact with children, young people and their families have the requisite knowledge and skills to carry out their jobs safely and effectively. All mediators and staff have a responsibility to ensure the safety of children with whom they work.
9. The following individuals will be required to read and sign all company policies prior to undertaking any work or role relating to Global Mediation:
• Any mediator or member of staff employed by Global Mediation;
• Any agent acting on behalf of Global Mediation in a capacity that may bring them into contact with children and young people;
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person into sexual activities, including prostitution, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of sexual online or printed images, watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
• provide adequate food, clothing or shelter including exclusion from home or abandonment;
Global Mediation has no powers to investigate child abuse. Nonetheless, Global Mediation’s mediators and staff have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and a responsibility to work closely and co-operatively with other agencies in order to achieve this.
In the event of a situation in which you consider a child is at risk, you should contact Global Mediation’s Director responsible for child protection issues, Irvine Gersch on 07885 630468. If he is not available you should call the office on 020 8441 1355 and speak to Debbie Coe.
If you witness something that is of severe concern, inform the parties at the time and tell them that you intend to pass on your concerns to Global Mediation. You will need to contact Global Mediation on the day that you have referred this concern to the parties.
21. Global Mediation has an ethics committee made up of the Financial Director, Jeff Lermer and two consultants, Linda Laurance and Debbie Marcovitch. Any allegations regarding staff members should be referred to this committee subject to their neutrality. The company embraces a whistle blowing ethos in which no member of staff would be disadvantaged discriminated against or suffer any material consequences should they make a referral or allegation to this Ethics Committee. Global Mediation also has a MIF (Management Information Form) system where every negative evaluation, staff administration error, other or any type of complaint is logged, investigated and recorded on file. All non-conformance details are logged as well as the corrective and preventative actions taken. This is then signed off by a senior member of staff.
2. Irvine Gersch will also act as a ‘champion’ for safeguarding throughout the company.