Soccer Coaching 2000 is a sports coaching company for children, established in 1999. Our 30 well-qualified coaches, for whom coaching is a career, are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked, experienced in working with children and full-time employed by our company. In order to guarantee exceptional reliability four of our coaches are employed to act as cover coaches. All coaching is overseen by our Director of Coaching, Wayne Clark who has over 20 years’ experience in coaching children and developing coaches.
New Year celebrations, as 1998 slipped away, gave way to the start of quite a journey . Soccer Coaching 2000 was established as a limited company on February 18th 1999, with the end of the millennium just around the corner. We sped through the coming months and arrived in the year 2000 slightly breathless, having taken a few knocks on the way.
A lot of people have played a part along the way, including all the football coaches who we employed on a part-time basis in the early stages. We always believed that we would shape a professional coaching company which could grow and develop for years to come. The need to be reliable was a significant aim and it shaped our structure from those early days. Full-time coaching staff were needed and they had to be found or created. Wayne’s coaching impressed all who saw him coach and we needed more like him. Gradually qualified coaches were found and Wayne spent time training and shaping them into coaches who could inspire children of all ages and abilities. They had to be good coaches who could improve the skill level of players and, at the same time, look after the children in their care, keeping them happy and safe. These coaches needed so many qualities to succeed and, on top of that, their coaching had to make the transition from hobby to job and career. This was no small task and we saw the need to take on board young trainees who we could mould into this new breed of sports coaches.
At a later stage we found that local colleges were providing full-time courses for school leavers, leading to qualifications in a variety of sports and other relevant training. This was really positive for us because we were able to recruit qualified coaches aged 18 plus who had a broader training base when they joined us. Induction and ongoing training for new coaches is a major factor in maintaining our high standards. All our coaches have extended their expertise to include a wide variety of sports coaching qualifications and their training is regularly updated through various workshops and courses. Staff turnover is very low and we are able to maintain a stable and experienced team of coaches
Soccer Coaching 2000
Our Coaches, who work in pairs, coach in local schools throughout the year. They receive regular training and have many varied coaching qualifications to ensure that we follow latest guidelines and provide coaching of exceptional quality. We have established a uniquely reliable service through the exclusive employment of full-time coaches.
Soccer Coaching 2000 Limited